Kai Collection by Foram Patel

4/19/2024 1:40:36 PM

Foram Patel, the name synonymous with exquisite Indian wear, has unveiled its latest collection, aptly titled "Kai." This collection isn't just a new line of garments; it's an immersive experience, an extension of their previously acclaimed "Aashi in Shells" collection.

The word "Kai" itself holds a special meaning in Japanese, translating to "cowrie." This tiny yet significant shell has been a signature element in Foram Patel's creations, and "Kai" takes this love for cowrie shells to a whole new level.

More than Shells, More than Elegance

While the cowrie and mirror work continue to be the heart of "Kai," the collection goes beyond mere embellishments. It delves deeper into emotions, promising a touch that's undeniably more feminine. Imagine the grace of "Aashi in Shells" infused with a tenderness that reflects the essence of a woman. That's the magic "Kai" aims to capture.